拉扎BG大游集团正在采取所有建议的预防措施来保护我们的客户, staff, community, and the general public from exposure to the Coronavirus. 
During this crisis, our clients and communities — tenants, workers, immigrants — will have an even greater need of urgent legal services. To provide these services while limiting exposure to Coronavirus, 从3月16日到4月7日,我们将对公众关闭上门BG大游诊所和实体办公室, 并尽可能过渡到远程提供BG大游服务, by telephone, video, etc. 在没有其他选择的情况下,我们将继续亲自出现在法庭上(如果开庭的话),并满足其他客户的需求. 我们的目标是加强我们组织的远程基础设施,不仅是为了应对当前的危机, but also to expand our remote capacity moving forward. This advances our ability to assist clients with disabilities, seniors, those with transportation difficulties, 任何由于工作安排或限制而不能亲自来我们办公室的人. 
我们并没有轻率地决定关闭诊所或整个办公室, and we are continuing remote services to clients in need. 我们也利用这段时间继续我们的政策倡导和支持社区的努力, such as halting evictions during this crisis. We hope you join us in advocating for urgent community need. Please see below actions and ways in which you can support. 
我们将继续探索为我们的社区提供BG大游服务的最佳方式,并提供最新信息, while also being attentive to public health guidance. 我们的首要任务是客户、员工和所有弱势社区成员的安全和健康. 
Supporting Impacted Communities, Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19:
  • 要求纽森州长在全州范围内暂停驱逐和公用事业关闭. 加州需要一个全面的驱逐暂停令,以阻止各种原因的驱逐, not only for nonpayment of rent. 在公共卫生危机期间,继续允许驱逐是危险的. 联系你的州立法委员,要求他们支持全面暂停,没有例外. Sign this ACCE petition 呼吁在全州范围内暂停驱逐和关闭公用事业, call the Governor at 916-445-2841, and find your state legislators at http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/; 
  • Mayors and city councils of all California cities, including Oakland, Hayward, Alameda, 和圣莱安德罗应该(1)颁布全面暂停所有非法拘留(驱逐)行动,以保护免疫功能低下的人,他们不应该被迫在健康和住房之间做出选择;(2)为可能暂时无法支付租金的受影响工人提供经济救济. Evictions moratoriums should include all causes for eviction, 不只是不付房租,这样每个人在危机期间都不会无家可归;
  • Call on the Alameda County Courts to (1) stop entering default judgments so tenants who can’t come to the courthouse don’t automatically lose their cases; (2) delay all eviction cases, including settlement conferences, trial dates, and hearings to enter judgment; (3) for the Courts tell the Sheriff to stop executing eviction judgments for 60 days. You can all presiding Judge Tara DeSautels at 510-891-6040;
  • 我们已经加强了对ICE的要求,要求他们释放所有COVID-19弱势群体. 我们必须倡导我们被监禁的社区成员使曲线变平;
  • Join us in demanding that @icegov parole all imprisoned people NOW. #FreeThemAll #ParoleThemAll.
Moreover, we urge ICE to IMMEDIATELY:
  • 释放所有因民事行政指控而被国土安全部拘留的非公民, the most vulnerable, including those who are fifty years or older, who have long standing medical conditions, or who are immuno-compromised. #FreeThemAll
  • 根据我们的国际和联邦义务,要求根据移民保护协议(MPP)被拘留的非公民获得假释和庇护. 现在,国土安全部认为非法移民被拘留了,所以他们有正当程序的权利. #ParoleThemAll
  • 释放对公共安全、国家安全不构成威胁或者危害程度较低的剩余被拘留人员;
  • Inform people of their right to seek humanitarian release;
  • 确保在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间被关押在移民拘留中心的每个人都能持续与BG大游顾问进行保密沟通;
  • 确保每个人都能参加移民法庭的听证会,并保证任何人的移民案件都不会受到COVID-19大流行的负面影响;
  • ICE must immediately take preventative, 积极采取措施应对COVID-19大流行,因为他们对保护近2亿人的健康和福祉负有全部责任,000 person population; 
  • To support this demand, call 1-866-DHS-2ICE and quote the points above. Please share & repost to raise awareness.
2)中央BG大游集团要求地方市县对边缘化社区成员作出以下承诺, such as workers, our unsheltered and immigrant communities: 
  • Sanctuary Cities, like Oakland, 应重申其对可能成为仇外和种族主义歧视或定罪目标的无证件居民和移民社区的体制承诺;
  • Halt the removal of encampments, 哪些已被医疗官员宣布比目前的室内避难所或导航避难所更安全. We call upon the cities of Berkeley and Oakland, as well as Caltrans, 在这场前所未有的大流行期间,声援无家可归的社区成员;
  • Finally, 我们敦促地方和州的政策制定者扩大对工人的带薪病假保护,并投资于为独立承包商和因冠状病毒而无法再工作的无证工人提供紧急财政援助. 
3) Centro Legal de la Raza needs your support. Centro员工一直在迅速行动,以公平和负责任的方式应对日益严重的危机. Although we have closed our physical clinics, 工作人员夜以继日地工作,以确保客户继续得到他们所需的关键BG大游服务. This is only possible with your ongoing support through this pandemic. Please click here to give a gift today, 并确保我们社区中受影响最大的成员能够获得正义. 
2019冠状病毒病危机仍然是动态和渐进的形势, 我们正在密切关注事态发展,以确保客户的安全和健康, staff, and community. We thank you for your compassion and commitment in this critical time. 
In gratitude and solidarity,
Centro Legal de la Raza Staff and Board of Directors